Student Success Block Students

Student Success Block Students

Monday, September 20, 2010

Reading an Image

Monday, Sept 20th

In preparation for our own self portraits, we explored, analyzed and discussed the content of two sets of photographic portraits. Drawing on a lesson plan developed by the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), students in the class responded to the questions about Dorthea Lange's Migrant Mother. We discussed the emotions the portrait evoked and collectively answered the question "What the (Migrant Mother) would say if she could speak." We then broke into small groups and analyzed the Social Documentary photographer Milton Rogovin's portraits of a working mother.  After deconstructing these portraits, we ended the class by beginning to think about how to analyze colleges by filling out What Do you Want in a College, an information sheet with questions about our own personal preferences for campus size, location and academic offerings. 

(Adrienne Webb)


Students' response to the question: What would you want to convey about yourself in a self-portrait?:

-My heart
-How I think
-I would want to convey innocence, vulnerability and youth and wittiness
-Happiness (Winnie the pooh)
-I would want to convey me showing my true-self and how good I look
-I would like to convey my determination & creativity in a portrait
-I would love to convey my superb leadership abilities and/or athletic abilities
-Sports/athletics, happiness
-Look heroic
-Happiness, struggle, strength, pink
-My personality (my smile, my energy, & my brightness)—just in a glance!
-A image of myself expressing how I feel and why I feel this way how and how can you tell my feelings
-Convey art (with kids drawing different pictures)
-Who I really am
-A strong young woman. Educated and have self-respect.
-Happiness J
-I would like to convey my music
-My athletic and muscular body. My cute face and hair. And nice big white smile.

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